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Studying how paper fiber catches on and dries depending on tension of the string matrix.

membrane I

2018 | Rome | RISD European Honors Program

A flexible handwoven matrix to catch kozo fiber, where the tool used to make paper is also integrated in the final outcome.

Inspired by travels to historical paper making towns in Italy during a semester abroad in Rome. From studying the way papermakers in Fabriano have altered their tools to produce intricate watermarks, membrane I is the first exploration in re-examining the form and role of paper making tools.


イタリアでの留学中、紙すきの伝統が根強くのこる街を訪れた時にインスピレーションをうけた作品。特に、透かし模様が有名なファブリアーノの道具の工夫をみて、今までとは違う紙の漉き方や道具の使い方を membrane I で探求し始めた。